Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Caribbean Culture.

Today Sunity came in and taught us about Caribbean culture and the history of Trinidad itself. Yes, it was a history lesson and yes, I do not like history but when Sunity's teaching it is never boring. It's as if she captivates you with her intelligence, she even taught me some things about Haiti that I'd never known. The second part of our day consisted of Ivan (our bus driver if I didn't already mention) taking us on a tour of Cuerep (the city in which we are staying). We got back fairly early so we walked to get some KFC, yes I said KFC! some people in the states said we had to try it and that it was wayyy better then the KFC we have. So, I tried it. anddddd its pretty much the same, I can say that I will not be back. So tonight we're gonna go out to club Zen in Port of spain it should be a lot of fun I'm hearing good stuff about this place. high hopes. But for now, we do have a quiz tomorrow so I'm gonna go study for that. 2 fingassss

Yellow Girl is tireeeddd and needs a nap

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